ExpertiseEvents | Venue | Life at Constellar

Constellar convenes businesses, curates ideas and creates opportunities for sustainable business growth.

14-16 October 2024

Singapore EXPO

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Calling for Speakers

Position yourself as an Industry I4.0 thought leader!

Are you from the manufacturing sector, and do you have digital transformation projects or successful case studies that can revolutionize the industry? We would like to hear from you.

Join the conversation and contribute to the future of manufacturing with your innovative ideas and best practices. Industrial Transformation Forum (ITF) 2024 focuses on five key themes.

Leading the Intersection of Leadership, Digital Transformation, and Manufacturing Complexity with AI

Digitalising with Secure AI-Powered Intelligent Operations

Aligning Sustainable Practices with AI-Powered Solutions

Harnessing AI Technology for Building Antifragile Supply Chains

Crafting Human-Centric Smart Manufacturing Strategies Empowered by AI

Please get in touch with us now by filling in the submission form below. You will receive an email from us once your submission is successful.

Join us and help revolutionize the industry.

Submission deadline: 31 July 2024

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